Have a good read of the website. It contains lots of information about us and the practice. Hopefully it will give you a feel for what we do and why we do it that way. If you have any questions, please get in touch and we will try and answer them for you. Want to come and check us out before making any decisions? No problem, get in touch and we can arrange for you to come in have a look around the practice and have a chat with one of the team members.
Decided to join us? Thank you, we will make sure we look after you. Decide which Treatment Plan you want to be on and download a copy of our Practice Information Pack, which includes all the documents you need to complete so we can set you up on our computer system. Complete all the required documents and send them back to us.
That’s it! There is nothing else for you to do. We will contact you after receiving your completed documents. We look forward to meeting you!